Using Life Insurance for Smart Money
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WhiteSpacer Three Tips for Using Life Insurance for Smart Money

Help Your Clients Gain Death Benefit Protection and
Financial Safety

Smart money is money your clients want to control and be able to access during times of need. While there are several places to store smart money, one option to consider is life insurance. Here are three tips to help grow your smart money:

  1. Understand the concept: Permanent life insurance offers death benefit protection, cash value growth potential, and access to funds.1
  2. Identify the client profile: The typical smart money client is between age 50 and 80, has a need for death benefit protection, and has funds that are not meeting current needs for control and accessibility.
  3. Know how it works: Typically, the life insurance policy is funded with a lump sum transfer.

Start today and help your clients gain death benefit protection and
a financial safety net.

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1. In some situations, loans and withdrawals may be subject to federal taxes. North American Company for Life and Health Insurance does not give tax or legal advice. Clients should be instructed to consult with and rely on their own tax advisor or attorney for advice on their specific situation.

Income and growth on accumulated cash values is generally taxable only upon withdrawal. Adverse tax consequences may result if withdrawals exceed premiums paid into the policy. Withdrawals or surrenders made during a Surrender Charge period will be subject to surrender charges and may reduce the ultimate death benefit and cash value. Surrender charges vary by product, issue age, sex, underwriting class, and policy year.

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